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리틀리 블로그|올인원 프로필 링크

5 Social Marketing Strategies to Capture Gen Z in 2024

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Gen Z prefers experience-based consumption unlike previous generations, and they show great interest in visual content, social media activities, personalized content, diverse and inclusive content, and social values.
  • Especially in 2024, interest in corporate social responsibility and ethical values is increasing, and content and social marketing strategies reflecting these values will play a crucial role in capturing Gen Z.
  • By utilizing tools like durumis, you can effectively deliver various content reflecting the characteristics of Gen Z, and communicate with Gen Z by conveying brand diversity, social responsibility, and engagement messages.

Does Gen Z consumption differ from previous generations?

Understanding the characteristics and consumption patterns of Gen Z is key to effectively developing social marketing strategies. Gen Z, commonly referred to as the generation born between the late 1990s and mid-2020s, is known for their economic independence and preference for experience-driven consumption over product practicality. They highly value the diverse experiences they encounter when purchasing goods.

Gen Z highly values diversity and social value, exhibiting a strong interest in environmental issues, corporate values, brand value, and brand stories. They actively produce content through social media based on their direct experiences and express their unique identities. The prevalence of using Reels on platforms like Instagram exemplifies these characteristics of Gen Z. Keeping these characteristics in mind, let's examine what social marketing strategies can captivate Gen Z in 2024.

1. They prefer visual content over text.

Gen Z is highly responsive to visual content. They make purchase decisions based on a holistic experience that encompasses not only the product itself but also the brand's unique image, services, and various other elements. As social channels for showcasing visual content become increasingly diverse, it remains a crucial strategy to capture Gen Z's attention by providing optimized content for each social and web platform.

Instead of constructing landing pages or separate layouts to display content, effectively introduce your brand value by utilizing Litterly's visual features (images, videos, galleries). No need to adjust content for each platform. Profile links and micro web pagescan stimulate Gen Z's visual sensibilities and enhance brand familiarity.

<Example of micro-page and visual content exposure through durumis>

2. Active social media and online community participation

It's also important to note that Gen Z prefers to engage in self-promotion through social media and is comfortable connecting with people in online communities through this interaction. They have no aversion to joining communities that cover a variety of topics and find it increasingly natural to make friends online through communication with those communities, unlike previous generations.

The decreasing aversion to obtaining information through online communities and social media based on interests signifies increasing opportunities for direct marketing to target audiences interested in specific products. The increasing emphasis on sales events focused on experiential formats, as seen in flagship stores of large corporations, is also attributed to this phenomenon.

Companies should deviate from operating traditional, structured social channels and adopt new strategies to align with Gen Z's proactive participation in online communities.

Make active use of profile links that can be displayed from social media profiles such as Instagram and TikTok to promote various channels such as the company's communities and blogs.Profile links

Users visiting your social channels can engage with a specific topic's online community and share valuable information. Litterly, a platform suitable for Gen Z's interaction and communication, fosters freedom of expression through social media and encourages participation in diverse online groups.

3. Personalized content curation is essential! But what if you're strapped for resources?

Providing personalized content, such as customized content, is actually becoming increasingly important across all generations, not just Gen Z. Personalized content curation analyzes the interests and behavioral data of specific user groups to offer information they find valuable. This helps users develop a positive perception of the brand.

However, the drawback of AI technology that curates personalized content based on clicks and traffic is the high cost of implementation, making it challenging for smaller businesses to realistically execute. In such cases, starting with personalized content tailored to individual users is more challenging than starting with platform-specific personalized content. This makes it easy for anyone to execute a personalized marketing strategy for their social media channels.

Litterly's profile links and micro pages offer a consistent UI across all platforms, eliminating the need for separate responsive page development.

Litterly assists businesses in providing better customized content by reflecting real-time changes in user behavior patterns, effectively conveying brand value to consumers on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, and eliminating the need to consider platform-specific content customization, making it convenient to use. Start using Litterly for free to effectively communicate with your users.

4. Proactive use of diverse and inclusive content

Gen Z responds positively to corporate content that emphasizes diversity and inclusivity. Their heightened awareness of social issues like the environment, human rights, and inequality has led them to prefer companies that participate in and contribute to the resolution of these issues. They also recognize the power of their consumption to influence companies, leading them to favor socially responsible companies that align with their values and beliefs.

The widespread use of social media has accelerated the dissemination of corporate actions, making it crucial to build strong relationships with brands by actively engaging with consumers, accepting feedback, and providing content that emphasizes diversity and inclusivity.

While it's challenging to comprehensively showcase a company's social activities on social media channels, Litterly simplifies the process of sharing press releases/company news, socially responsible projects and diversity initiatives, donation campaigns, etc., enabling quicker access to corporate news and effectively conveying a company's social value, fostering a positive perception.

A company or brand's efforts towards social value consistently leave a positive impression on Gen Z.Use Litterly to quickly share your company's latest social engagement news and enhance brand awareness among users.

5. High interest in corporate social value

Gen Z is deeply interested in a company's social responsibility. Their heightened awareness of social issues like the environment, human rights, and inequality has led them to prefer companies that participate in and contribute to the resolution of these issues. They also recognize the power of their consumption to influence companies, leading them to favor socially responsible companies that align with their values and beliefs.

The widespread use of social media has accelerated the dissemination of corporate actions, making it crucial to build strong relationships with brands by actively engaging with consumers, accepting feedback, and providing content that emphasizes diversity and inclusivity.

While it's challenging to comprehensively showcase a company's social activities on social media channels, Litterly simplifies the process of sharing press releases/company news, socially responsible projects and diversity initiatives, donation campaigns, etc., enabling quicker access to corporate news and effectively conveying a company's social value, fostering a positive perception.

A company or brand's efforts towards social value consistently leave a positive impression on Gen Z.Use Litterly to quickly share your company's latest social engagement news and enhance brand awareness among users.

Strengthen communication with Gen Z through Litterly

Have you taken a close look at social media strategies to captivate Gen Z in 2024? All these strategies can actually be executed in one go through Litterly. Litterly is a tool that makes it easy to manage your profile links on social media and effectively convey messages that highlight your brand's diversity, social responsibility, and deep engagement. Use Litterly to capture their attention and convey your brand story more effectively.

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